"A book is the best of friends, the same today and forever." ~ Martin Tupper

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Bigger Dreams

Hello again! Did you enjoy the 4th of July? Did your family barbeque hot dogs or burgers in your backyard? By the way, have you ever met a kid who doesn’t like hot dogs? I have and I’m just wondering if maybe he should be famous for taking that position.

When I was little I always wanted be…bigger.  It seemed to me that bigger kids had better things to do and talk about.  Bigger kids had bigger dreams.  Later on I understood that the kids I wanted to be like were not only bigger, they were older.  And they could read! No wonder they had so much more to talk about.

Oh how I wanted to read as well! Every time I looked at the markings all over the pages of the newspaper I wished to know what they meant. What did the grownups find so interesting about those markings? How could the teacher look at the same picture book as we did and be able to tell us a story?

My luckiest day ever was the day I learned A, B and C.  The following day, I memorized all the rest of the letters in the alphabet! Before I knew it I was reading, sounding out new words and learning new things.

Speaking of new words, how do you feel about them? Are they scary old things you’d rather avoid, or are you then curious to know what they mean? Me, I’ve always been the curious type and I ask because as a writer I’m told that kids don’t like big new words and I should use caution when writing stories I want them to enjoy. 
The famous teacher, Confucius said “You cannot open a book without learning something.”  I think that’s the best part about reading, don’t you?

We’re excited to be going on another camping trip before school begins again.  What are you up to this summer? Parents, kids and fellow writers, please feel free to join the conversation!

Until again, be happy, be well—and read!

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