"A book is the best of friends, the same today and forever." ~ Martin Tupper

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Seeing Spots 3

Spotted Pigs, and even those that aren’t, are friendly creatures who communicate with each other constantly and love to snuggle nose to nose when they sleep. Contrary to popular belief, pigs don’t really “pig out” when they eat. Instead, they prefer to chew slowly and savor their food. They are extremely intelligent and have been known to find their way home over surprisingly long distances. They easily learn tasks and tricks but would rather spend their days playing with friends.

Aside from delightful spots that tend to fade a bit with age, another distinguishing characteristic of Leopard Geckos is that they have eyelids, whereas, most reptiles do not – not even other geckos! Curious and friendly, Leopard geckos can be interesting pets that can live for 20 years if they’re treated well. In the wild, they survive on insects such as scorpions and spiders, but have been known to sample anything their powerful little jaws can chew to swallowing size.

As the world’s tallest living land animal, Giraffes are often called ‘Gentle Giants’ of the dry savannahs they call home. In addition to their sky-high advantage in looking out for encroaching predators, their exceptional eyesight allows them to see and choose the very best leaves to eat from the treetops. Giraffes are highly sociable and travel in groups of a dozen or more, appropriately called ‘Towers’, and once again, their lofty vantagepoint comes in handy if a member of the group ever gets lost. Because, just like most people, giraffes don’t like to be alone.

In fact, there’s an uplifting new (young reader) book due to release this summer about new friends in new places and a giraffe named “Geraldine”, by Elizabeth Lilly.

For middle grade readers “The Boy, the Boat and the Beast”, by Samantha M. Clark will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last enthralling page is turned!

So, what’s on your summer Bucket List? Will you read 100 books? Learn a new language? Hike a new canyon, or try a new activity? If you’re wondering what to do, here’s an idea I’m sure you won’t regret:  Chelsea Kay

Happy Summer!


  1. HiYa, dIEDRE! I just responded to your comment on my Waylon review.

    Ya know, once you get past that little "Eww!" factor, pigs are kind of cute, really.

    I know a guy who has a pig pet, and he loves that pig like crazy. He says the pig is smarter'n any dog he's ever had, and it follows him around from room to room.

    I like to go up to Virginia City, NV., every chance I get. And there's a dude who lives up there who is often seen on the boardwalks with his pet pig in tow. The pig is actually better looking than his owner. Ha!

    What you wrote about Leopard Geckos and Giraffes was interesting, too. But I must say, I'm a little surprised that you wrote all that info about Giraffes without even mentioning how [Link> selfish giraffes are! What, are you the gatekeeper for their reputations? Giraffes are selfish, and it's "high" time everyone knew it!

    ~ Stephen
    Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    1. In my opinion, pigs (especially minis) are always adorable! I did neglect to mention that if a spotted Gecko is mistreated or feels threatened, he will quickly disappear, leaving only his tail behind (as a decoy). But not to worry; he’ll grow another tail in a couple of weeks!
      Nowhere have I heard or read of Giraffes having a selfish bone in their bodies, dear sir. If perhaps you’d like to re-check your findings with some honest-to-goodness gatekeepers, may I suggest the Animal Ark – only a 30-minute drive north of your current stomping grounds, or the Sierra Safari Zoo, located on North Virginia Street?
      Happy (ahem) Hunting!

    2. Wait! Are you saying Barney Fife is untrustworthy?! If I can't believe "One-Bullet" Barney, who CAN I believe?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    3. Aw, you can certainly believe that Barney believes everything he says in his capacity as Deputy at the jailhouse where being inoculated means no more peanut butter sandwiches ;-)

    4. Barney messed me up to the point that every time I go to use the word 'compulsion', I have to pause first and ask myself: "Is it compelsion or compulsion?"

      Thanks a lot, Barn!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...


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