"A book is the best of friends, the same today and forever." ~ Martin Tupper

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Words to Work With - 2

“Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life” ~ Confucius

From sweeping porches to cleaning windows, there’s something just so satisfying about getting paid for a job well done. Before long, we realize that bigger jobs mean bigger paychecks. So whether you’re thinking of what job you will have, or which you would have liked to have, I’d love to hear which jobs seem appealing, or which ones absolutely don’t ;-)

J.     Juggler, Judge, Janitor, Jeweler, Joiner

K.     Keeper of Service Animals

L.     Lawyer, Librarian, Loan Officer, Laser Tag Referee, Lifeguard
M.     Musician, Marine Biologist, Museum Curator, Magician
N.      Nurse, Nascar Driver, Nature Guide, Nail Polish Namer,
O.      Oceanographer, Optometrist,
P.     Police Officer, Publisher, Park ranger, Pharmacist, photographer, Parachute Tester, Personal Shopper, Pearl Diver
Q.     Quarter horse trainer, Quality Control Mgr,
R.       Restaurant mgr/worker, Reporter, Real Estate, Researcher


  1. dIEDRE, out of this batch I would most definitely prefer to be a lawyer because, you know, there just aren't enough lawyers in the world. ;-)

    ~ D-FensDogG
    [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    1. Hi Reno!
      My very first job was working at a jewelry store but alas, the shine wore off. I still think of the opera music the boss always played on the radio.
      Judging by some of your reviews, I bet you'd make a great Lawyer!


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