It’s International
Wayfinding Month! A global celebration of all the handy tools
and signs we use every single day to help us find our way.
Even before
we had cities and cars, people made markings (petroglyphics) on cave walls and
canyon passes to show new travelers what to expect, for instance animals – or
warriors (eep!).
Many of the signs we use today are quite
And a few
are a little confusing
Before the
invention of the compass, people generally relied upon the sun, the stars or
landmarks seen from ships at sea for navigation. On land it is well known that
the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. However, due to seasonal changes
in latitude which occur during summer and winter, travelers can become quite
lost if they don’t know which pole (North or South) is currently
pointing to the sun. And what if you happen to be lost on a cloudy day? No worries with a trusty compass!
Has there
ever been a time you could have used a handy tool or sign? Which one helped you
find your way?