Morning came
as a surprise because I accidentally fell asleep. I must have dreamed of good things for I was
in a pretty good mood when I heard Mamo calling. Then I remembered. I was going to the stables
that morning, and all the anxiety came flooding back.
Worse, I
didn’t get the chance to try the suddenly-ill story I’d concocted to tell at
breakfast because they woke me up too late to have any! But Mamo had packed a generous lunch and sent
me out to the porch where grandma impatiently waited.
I didn’t say
a word on the short drive to the stables, though grandma tried to cheer me up
with chatter. She left me in a huff and a puff of tired engine smoke, standing
in front of another Indian; this one dressed like a cowboy. He said his name was Chance, and would I like
to take one? Not really, no. I thought,
miserably. Not even the fact that my
horse’s name was Midnight Star could
cheer me.
I had to
climb atop a bale of hay to reach the saddle. I was prepared to have a
nosebleed. Or at the very least, one of Mamo’s dizzy spells.
“What if I
get lost?” I whimpered, hating my misty eyes
“It’s okay,”
Chance replied “The horse won’t.”
He handed me
my lunch bag, tightened a couple of straps, slapped the horse on the rump and
we were off at such a bouncy gait I bit my tongue. Twice. I hunkered down and turtled my head when Star
began to run at full speed through an open meadow dotted with blue and yellow
When I
opened my eyes again I was nearly knocked out of the saddle by a tree branch as
we entered a dense wooded area where the trail was barely visible. I could have
been decapitated and suspected that Star was trying to kill me. If panic didn’t
do it first.
In the
eerily quiet woods I was sure I’d hear a ladybug sigh as Star slowed to a walk
and came to a stop beside a shimmering stream that gurgled like chipmunk
laughter as butterflies waltzed in the air. Star seemed content to stand around
awhile so I seized the opportunity to greedily gobble my first sandwich. I
couldn’t have told you what was in it. I didn’t care.
As if by a
wall-switch the treetops swayed and thunder rumbled in the distance. Star became
antsy as fat drops plopped into the stream, slow, at first. We were moving
again, right before the rain came down in thick sheets you couldn’t see
through. For half a second, I thought we might head back to the stables, given
the weather. But that would have been too easy.
Star proceeded to run like the wind itself as I hung on for dear life, through
stands of gnarly trees with moss and squirrels who looked surprised and across
broken fences, slicing between fragrant vines that stuck in my hair, and passed
a small cabin from where I hoped someone had seen me streak by on a runaway
horse. And at a resounding boom overhead
that shook the very ground, he stopped. Just like that. The sun gleamed through
a space in the clouds as we stood there, dripping. The birds resumed their chatter
and I could still smell the vines in my hair. I don’t know when I lost my other
sandwich, but I hadn’t died.
meandered the rest of the way to the stables, which was good because I suddenly
wasn’t ready to return. Strange. I thought if I saw my own reflection where the
sun was setting on the lake, I would look like a different person.
somehow knew when we’d return and was there, waiting for us. He helped me
dismount and asked with a wry smile “See you tomorrow?”
“You bet!” I
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