"A book is the best of friends, the same today and forever." ~ Martin Tupper

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Creeping Around in the Cosmos!

About this time of year I start to feel a little wistful. It’s not only the end of summer adventures but the beginning of fall; two fairly big deals when you consider saying goodbye to summer fun and hello to the holiday season! Hard to feel too awful bad, isn’t it? 

Monsoons are one of my favorite summer events because they happen when and wherever they please, once they’ve grabbed your rapt attention with explosions of thunder and spectacular lightning displays, that is. Usually it’s a good thing; our rivers finally run! But sometimes…well, a picture often tells a story.  Yeah, that was a bit close for comfort but a good rain helped immensely! 

I have been excited about September for quite a while and can’t keep the secret any longer! Coming up on the 4th the venerable Miss Lady Chrys Fey is hosting a promo for my latest book! Isn’t she just the sweetest? I can’t wait to return the favor. And by the way, her blog is one you’ll want to stop by often for tons of remarkable posts! 

September is “Happy Cat Month”!

And it’s “National Children’s Good Manners Month”!
 You can do this, Kiddos. And it doesn’t hurt a bit! In fact, you’ll be amazed how many smiles you’ll get and remember, manners matter!

Developing News:
 It seems that a Wisper from Symatron, was seen creeping in the shadows at Cosmic Café!

You may remember the Wispers are those kids who keep disappearing from earth to be in charge of things in nature, like wind and rain and flatulence—okay, maybe not the last one.

Questions abound as to what this might mean for two intergalactic deputies (Spicatrons); one of whom is actually a secret shape-changer and not really from Spica, as they oversee the Tasborgs with a Wisper in their midst who might not be a Wisper at all!
Stay tuned for updates or see for yourself at streampebbles.com!

 How do you feel about the onset of Fall? Do you have a favorite holiday? 

Until again, be well, be happy--and read! :-)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Breaking News! A truant Tooth Fairy caught in the act...

Breaking News!
This just in from the folks at 
 It Could Happen:

Tooth Fairy Plays Hooky!

Can you imagine a world where even the Tooth Fairy sneaks a day off sometimes?

We bring you this incredible news from Holeysock Creek where young Jeffrey K. left his tooth under his pillow last Friday night only to find that it was still there in the morning! Frustrated, Jeffrey asked us to investigate and what we discovered might surprise you! Instead of sneaking off to frolic in the moondust, play some glitter golf or shop on the Milky Way, the troublesome Tooth Fairy had run off—are you ready for this?—to get married! What in the world could this mean for Jeffrey and his remaining teeth? Well, we asked that very question a few days later and are pleased to announce that Jeffrey now has two Tooth Fairies and ended up getting twice the amount for the one he lost last Friday!

Aw, I love happy endings, don’t you? But you know, kids didn’t always get money in exchange for their teeth. Nope. Centuries ago when a child lost a tooth his parents would bury it in the garden so that another strong and healthy tooth would grow in its place. It wasn’t until later, when apartments became popular and gardens were not, that baby teeth were stashed under pillows and exchanged for treats.  Legend has it that it was a dentist who first introduced the popular idea of trading baby teeth for money. Do you think it was a good idea?

And did you know the tradition is so old that Tooth Fairies actually have their own day to celebrate now? Yep. Just like Teacher Day or Groundhog Day. It’s August 22, a Saturday this year, and I wonder if any of them will take the day off? Let me know if you find out :-)

Until again, be well, be happy—and read!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

What's So Funny?

Belly Rolls and Jellyfish ~
Remember the last time you doubled over in uncontrollable laughter? Or found yourself giggling right along with particularly infectious laughter—even though you have no idea what’s so funny? Have you ever been unable to contain your chuckles while attempting to repeat a good joke? There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned belly roll to lift the spirits!

Besides the secret smile I get when noticing a familiar title in a stranger’s hands or book bag, is the curious delight I feel when hearing someone laugh out loud with their nose in a book! I’ve done it myself and know you can get some pretty odd looks, but Hey, you just have to read it too-and you can, soon as I’m finished!

To some folks humor is as natural as breathing; they are just plain funny. When a perfectly normal discussion becomes an exhilarating laugh-fest, you know you’re in the company of a master. It’s a double-bonus when these same funny people happen to be writers who write the kind of books you recommend but never lend for fear of losing your own personal piece of that special kind of magic.

There was a time when I thought it would be particularly tricky to write humor for children. Age is definitely a consideration, though there’s no real guarantee that a seven year-old wouldn’t laugh at humor intended for say, a nine year-old. And quite honestly, unless you’re a polka-dot gnat on the playground, how would you know? For anyone pondering this, as I did, I recommend an (older) article by Jan Fields, “A Spoonful of Humor” . The good folks over at Bright Horizons report that a child laughs 300 times a day! 

What could be so rib-tickling funny? Besides just about everything, children not only see the humor, the magic and the fantastical, they are eager and willing parts of it. (that’s me; sighing wistfully)  Incidentally, here’s a delightful new book I think you’ll enjoy! I Thought This Was a Bear Book

With that in mind, I am determined to write at least two funny stories by the end of this year! See how I do at Streampebbles.com!

 And now for the Jellyfish. In relation to humor, they are at once interesting and startlingly swift to harm.  Kind of like bullies.  Except that Jellyfish don’t follow you around the schoolyard. So what is a kid to do? Well, a little old fashioned embarrassment never hurt anybody. In fact, it will often remind a bully that he or she is only human, too.  And kids, always, always tell a grownup—they’ll have some pretty good ideas!

Until again, be well, be happy and read!