"A book is the best of friends, the same today and forever." ~ Martin Tupper

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Season's Readings!

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
 ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie

According to popular Legend, German families have a tradition of hiding a small glass pickle on the Christmas tree each year. The first child who finds the pickle gets a special, tasty treat and is predicted to have good luck throughout the coming new year.  The oddest thing about the legend is how many people in Germany have never heard of it!  Still, I think I’d like a Christmas pickle on my tree, wouldn’t you?

When Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas” for his family at Christmas in 1922, he never expected it to go any further – let alone be published.  But a friend leaked the poem to the press who then published it by ‘anonymous’ under a different title. It was another fifteen years before Moore admitted that ‘Twas the night before Christmas was his.

It’s long been my belief that the very best thing a person can give – or get, is the gift of smiles and time together to share them. The next best, most personal, long-lasting gift is a book. Or, of course, many! Here are a few I recommend:

And for anytime reading..

Wishing all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Season’s Greetings!